Saturday, July 27, 2013

Barack Obama 10 events timeline

1.Barack's parent met when they were both at the University of Hawaii.They fell in love and got married.

Barack Obama's parents

Barack Obama as a baby

2.Baby Barack was born on August 4, 1961.Little Barack was only two years old when his parents seperated.His father moved back to Africa .

3.Barack was ten years young,when his father came to visit for a month.His father went to jazz concert with him,they read together,his father taught him how to dance African sytle.These were memories Barack would always keep.His father traveled back and never came to the United States,they stayed in touch through letters.Barack did not visit Kenya until after college.By that time,his father had been killed in a car crash. 

4.In 1967,Barack's mom married her new husband Lolo who was from Indonesia.She worried the schools in the capital of Indonesia was not good enough fo her son. 


Barack playing basketball

5.So she decided to send Barack to Honolulu,Hawaii,where Barack's grandparents-now lived.It was called the Punahou School.His grandparents were white,he called them Tut and Gramps.Being on the basketball team made him feel like he belonged.

Barack's school in Indonesia




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